
Intervertebral Disc Disease | FIDO Friendly

Pet Care Tips

Intervertebral Disc Disease | FIDO Friendly

Intervertebral Disc Disease

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A lesson in alternative treatment when death is not an option.

by Susan Sims, Publisher

“If these pain meds don’t help, I am afraid that you may want to think about euthanasia.”

Nothing can prepare you for a trip to the emergency vet, twice in one week. I am certain that I speak for many pet parents who are given the devastating news while delivered with the best intentions, puts the fear in your heart that you might have to euthanize your pet.
After a year of several emergency visits with our dog Honey who would suddenly shake for hours and not eat, only to be told there is nothing wrong with her, finally, a diagnosis was reached that she had Intervertebral Disc Disease and was in a lot of pain.

Armed with pain and anti-inflammatory medications, we drove home feeling a little better that we could at least control her pain. That feeling was short-lived. Four days later, same emergency hospital, different doctor. More meds, mandatory 30-day bed rest, no activity, and, if that doesn’t help, we were to consider euthanasia.

Hold on a second. Honey is an active life of the party 8-year-old, and rowdy to her core. How did this happen? From what I have learned since our journey began, this can be hereditary, breed specific and not always caused by running around like a maniac.

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