
How to Prevent Messy Dog Paws in Winter

How to Prevent Messy Dog Paws in Winter

dog-winter-paws How to Prevent Messy Dog Paws in Winter

Whether you’re playing with your dog outside or going on their daily walk, winter often brings wet and slushy conditions that can turn an outdoor excursion into a cleanup challenge.

To help prevent your pup from bringing the wet weather inside and to avoid those unwanted messes on your floor (which you’re likely to step in at the most inconvenient times), we’ve compiled some tips to keep their paws clean to make this season enjoyable for the both of you.


You’ve likely seen those cute videos of dogs wearing winter booties and hilariously trying to walk around. However, they can be an effective winter accessory, especially to protect dogs’ paws and reduce cleanup time after being outside.

Dog boots can act as a barrier, helping prevent your furry friend from stepping in unwanted mud/slush and potentially harmful chemicals, such as de-icing salts. Boots can offer some traction on slippery surfaces and keep your pup’s paws warm, as exposure to snow and ice can increase frostbite risks.

Keep in mind that wearing boots could take time for your dog to get used to, so they should be introduced in stages (with their favorite treats ready). Rather than putting them on and immediately testing them out outside, allow your pup to look, sniff, and try them on indoors for a few minutes before eventually making your way outdoors.

When choosing the right boot, measure your dog’s paws to make sure you’re purchasing a pair that will be snug but not too tight. Also, try to opt for boots made from waterproof or water-resistant materials. There are various options out there, but for quick put-on and take-off, choose ones with adjustable straps.


Dogs need pampering, too, especially during the winter months, when they can be exposed more to the outdoors, including cooler temperatures that cause dryness. Giving your pup a paw pad pedicure can be an excellent way to maintain their hygiene and prevent them from trekking in mud and debris from outside.

If your dog has fur between their paw pads, carefully trim it. Doing so can require less time to clean up those straggly pieces of fur that can get soaked from muddy and snowy conditions. Be sure to use pet-safe clippers and avoid cutting too close to their skin. Keeping their nails trimmed can also prevent this buildup from accumulating. Regular spa visits for paw grooming during this time can be a great addition to your pup’s winter routine.

Applying a paw balm after going outside can add a moisturizing layer to your pup’s paws. If your dog has dry, cracked skin, a balm can help make sure any outdoor irritants won’t worsen irritation.

Try: Dogtopia’s 3-in-1 Balm for a Dry Nose, Elbows and Paws

 As you clean their paws, check for any cracks and redness and remove any stones or pieces of de-icing salts that could get lodged during a d walk. Not only can having these be uncomfortable for your pup to have stuck, but it can also help prevent you from seeing tiny pieces of debris later on around your home.

group-2822x-2 How to Prevent Messy Dog Paws in WinterLet your dog live their best life


Many pet parents can relate to the mess left behind when their pup dashes through the front door after spending time outdoors—dirty paws and all. To try and prevent the mess, dedicate a space in your home for paw washing and bring your pup to this space each time. This can be your washroom, garage, or, appropriately named, mudroom.

Equip the space with items you’ll need to clean their paws, such as dog-safe soap, a bucket or tub, towels, and a hair dryer set on low. By bringing your pup to this designated area after each walk or play session, you can help them establish a routine, making the process easier over time.

Additionally, keep dog-safe wet wipes in your car to tackle any cleanup if the backseat starts to show signs of a snowy mess.

Tip: teach your pup the “paw” command—it can help reinforce to them that it’s time for cleanup.


Thoroughly cleaning your dog’s paws or strapping them into their booties each time you go outside can help, especially when taking them to potty (and even more so when it’s way too early in the morning). To minimize the mess, consider creating a safe pathway leading outside your home, whether on your driveway or in your yard, free from debris, mud, snow, and slush.

While maintaining this pathway will be important in preventing mess buildup, it’s also helpful to find areas where ice won’t form and mud can’t accumulate, as this can further reduce the dirt on your dog’s paws.


One of the best ways to prevent messy paws is to avoid being in the snow, slush, and debris in the first place! Dogtoipa’s indoor playrooms can be an excellent choice year-round, but especially on days when the weather isn’t cooperating.

Our secure, separated playrooms feature comfortable flooring made of compressed rubber, floor-to-ceiling walls for enhanced safety, and advanced HVAC systems that circulate fresh, clean air throughout our facility. With the ability to climate control our playrooms, the weather outside won’t impact your pup’s playtime. Plus, you can include a spa visit in their day, creating an enjoyable experience that keeps them feeling and looking fresh.

Book their daycare visit at a Dogtopia near you today!

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