Adventures in Petsitting | FIDO Friendly
Adventures in Petsitting
• Travel
Blue Doors and Baubles
Christmas in the heart of Tunisia’s ancient capital
By By Jane Thomas
“What about Tunisia?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Tunisia?”
I nod.
He looks out at the rain, a view that has remained unchanged for what feels like forever.
“It’ll be warmer there, right?”
I nod again.
I don’t even need to nod. Of course there’ll be dogs.
He closes the book he’s been reading and reaches for his laptop. “I’ll book the flights.”
It’s idle conversations such as that which see us heading off to random corners of the world. Beyond its location I knew nothing of Tunisia, but the fact it wasn’t England was enough for us.
Roscoe and Poppy were to be our companions, the former a determinedly sprightly but aged dog of indeterminate breed and the latter a Papillon who was, to quote her owners, the runt of the litter. Her teeth stuck out in random directions, her tail didn’t quite wave as it should, but she had that feisty temperament of all small dogs and it was immediately obvious who was boss. Poppy posed on princess beds and plump cushions; Roscoe was content with a belly rub as he lay on the tiles.
We’d been told Roscoe couldn’t walk far so we started off slowly, but the circular route stretched as the weeks went on. He couldn’t see particularly well so we found dropped curbs for him and, knowing he wasn’t about to step off into the abyss, he bumbled along after his sister who trotted show-pony style along the sidewalk. They made perfect companions in the evenings, one curling up on or alongside each of us, snoring as they snuggled in.
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