
Bow Wow Boise | FIDO Friendly

Bow Wow Boise | FIDO Friendly

Bow Wow Boise

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Let the adventure begin for you and Fido in the City of Trees.

By Susan Sims, Publisher

I started visiting Park City in the early 70’s. Walking to the chair lift with my skis over my shoulder, it was often that someone would stop by to give me a lift. On one such occasion, a nice man stopped and offered me a ride to the ski resort. I commented on how much I loved coming to Park City to ski and he said, ‘yes, well enjoy it while you can, the California’s are coming and it’s going to change.’ Being a native Californian, I wasn’t sure how to take that.

Many years later with my two children, I continued the trek for the annual ski vacation. Soon, as teenage boys, they fell in love with snowboarding, so that left my husband and me enjoying Deer Valley where snowboarders are not allowed, and that continues to be their practice even to this day.

We skied Deer Valley, Park City, Snowbird and Alta however, it wasn’t until just recently that I had my first visit in spring with my eldest son, Scott for a Mother’s Day weekend.

What to do without the snow? As it turned out, plenty! 

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